On 25.04.2016, at the Swiss Forum for International Policy, a delegation of the Geneva Spiritual Appeal met with Dr Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General and Patron of the international conference "Which Values Unite Us Today?" (Sofia, 11-12.03.2016).
Rev. William McComish, Honorary President, Ambassador Walter Gyger, Prof. Michel Veuthey and Ventzeslav Sabev, Vice-President of the Geneva Spiritual Appeal, thanked UNESCO and its DG for their endorsement of the conference, its scope and outcome. The conveyed the conclusion of conference participants that strong civil society, independent media, increased investment in education, culture and exchanges at grass-root levels, as well as restored family foundations must be an important component of governments' efforts to cope with modern threats to human security and sustainable development. In this sense, UNESCO, as the organization which embodies best these values in the UN system, contributes significantly to international peace, namely in our collective fight against violent extremism and radicalization.
At the meeting with the Swiss Forum of International Policy, Mrs Bokova praised the Geneva Spiritual Appeal for convening the successful forum which gathered in Sofia 18 spiritual, political and academic leaders from all continents. She shared the positive comments given by various participants, including the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture, Dr Anies Baswedan and His Imperial Highness Georg von Habsbourg, Adviser to the Hungarian Prime Minister.